Mythologies of The World
Welcome to the home of the world’s mythological and folklore creatures.
Known as jumbies, duppies and by many other names throughout the world, every culture has its own unique mythological beings that share similarities with the concept of jumbies.
They are the stuff that many ghost stories are made of. Many say that they exist while other can attest to having close encounters with these creatures. Others would dismiss them as things to scare us, but who knows.
Whatever you position, you are invited to join, enjoy and even participate as we make this the home of all mythological and folklore creatures.

Tales of the Mokele-mbembe, “One Who Stops the Flow of Rivers” (or, more simply, “River-Shutter”), come from the Congo River Basin, around the Ikelemba, Sanga, and Ubangi rivers and Lake Tele. It is the most discussed and well-known of the “African mystery beasts” primarily due to the cryptozoological interpretation that defines it as a surviving sauropod dinosaur. It – or its unnamed predecessor, at any rate – was initially described as hailing from Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).